26 February 2016


Who dare say that you cant teach an old bear new tricks? Its nice to watch my dreams come true right before my very eyes now that I am forty years old!!

OMG With feedback loops like this I sound like the Gay Male version of The Diane Rehm Show from NPR. Find out why this weekend on your new home for GLBT Music News Information and Commentary on the only local channel willing to take a chance and crack their whip 130 feet in the air for every Community across our three rivers, WELT-LP 95.7 Fort Wayne Community Radio.

Its not to late to get involved we have plenty more room on our mixing board for you to explore your dreams too. The next staff meeting is on the second Monday or Tuesday of each month, you may strap yourself in here WELT - LP Radio, 95.7 at the Staff Page. We are an all volunteer staff trying to make our Community more intelligent along the way and gracious supported by concerned Citizens like yourself.


Check out Queer Muse on 95.7 WELT Allen County, Indiana this weekend on you FM dail from 8-10pm tonight, 6-8 am, tomorrow morning, or 3-5 pm Sunday afternoon. Queer Muse has some of the best GLBTIQAS Musicians available (indicated and tagged below), as some amazing Advocates tell their story and yet even I am as flushed as carrot colour weaved step parent.

This week we have a special guest, Paul Richmond / Paul Richmond Studio whose work is being spotlighted by the Evansville Museum of Arts, History & Science this next Thursday evening First Thursdays with Paul Richmond and you get a chance to meet the man behind the mystery of WARPAINT and his many other wonderful ventures across our regional area like Dreamspinner Press, Harmony Ink Press, and his baby You Will Rise Project and much more the rest of the world that he endeavours to make a difference in daily!

We cant post the whole show here due to copyright issues; however,  for those whom are interested here is Paul's interview for your leisure and listening time you may visit that (via soundcloud) here. Enjoy!

+ Steve Grand - We Are The Night
+ Greg Holden - Boys In The Street
+ Ricky Martin - Perdoname
+ Ryan Dolan - Fall To The Floor
+ Tom Goss feat. Matt Alber - Breath and Sound
+ Kristen Ford - RADIO

+ Steve Grand - We Are The Night!
+ Greg Holden - Hold On Tight
+ Mary Lambert - RIBCAGE ft. Angel Haze, K.Flay
+ MIKA- HURT Remixed
+ Scissor Sisters - Fire With Fire
+ Ryan Dolan - Start Again
+ Tom Goss - Illuminate The Dark


Chris Thompson (supricky06) RE Manny Pacquiao

Jude & Zero: Come OUT! Kiss | Morning After Regrets |

High School Coach at TedX UNI Nebraska 20160211
Shane Wickes: 'Those of us who are gay need to stand up and own it'.

Queer Muse Radio Show is Produced Weekly, Broadcast Thrice Locally! Syndicated? Fabulously! and can be can be followed also via Blogger as well as Facebook and will soon be available for streaming both current programming and previous shows at your leisure and will.

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